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September 24, 1997

Levinthal Named Exporter of the Year

Jason Levinthal, the 24-year-old president of Line Skiboard Manufacturing Inc. in Albany, has been named 1997 Exporter of the Year by the New York State Small Business Development Center. 

Levinthal designs and manufactures twin-tip skiboards, which are half as long as regular skis and twice as wide. 

This year, he sold more than 2,000 units, filling orders from as far away as Japan and Europe. 

The SBDC is a statewide network of offices providing support to small businesses, administered by the State University of New York and supported by the state and the U.S. Small Business Administration. 

Its Manufacturing Field Office in Troy previously helped Levinthal with his business plan, and the SBA provided him with a $150,000 loan to expand.


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