This is the biggest collection of skiboard tricks anywhere on the web.  Over 70 of them and that does not include the skiboarding terms.  Enjoy them, and if you know of any I don't email me so I can add them.

SPINS- They are some of the easiest tricks you can do.  The faster you go off a jump the more rotations you can do while in the air.  All of the spins could be done either facing forward or backward.  I do not recommend trying any of the tricks in the right column until you mastered the left one.  180, and 360 can easily be done on the ground without a jump.

180°- Jump up into the air and complete half a rotation.  If you started facing forward you will land facing back, and vice versa.

270°- This is usually done in the half pipe or quarter pipe. Start by moving almost parallel to the edge of the half pipe and jump into the air landing perpendicular to the edge of the half pipe.  In the quarter pipe you would start by going strait off the jump and land with the skiboards parallel to the edge of the jump.  If you rotate in natural direction up the slope its called Alley-Oop 270.

360°-Jump up into the air and complete a full rotation.  If you started facing forward you will land facing forward.  If you start facing back, you will land facing back, its called Fakie 360.

540°-Jump up into the air and complete one and a half rotations.  If you started facing forward you will land facing back, and vice versa. Fakie applies to this trick.

720°-Jump up into the air and complete two full rotations.  If you started facing forward you will land facing forward.  If you start facing back, you will land facing back. Fakie applies to this trick.

900°-Jump up into the air and complete two and a half rotations.  If you started facing forward you will land facing back, and vice versa. Fakie applies to this trick.

1080°-Jump up into the air and complete three full rotations.  If you started facing forward you will land facing forward.  If you start facing back, you will land facing back. Fakie applies to this trick.

1260°-Jump up into the air and complete three and a half rotations.  If you started facing forward you will land facing back, and vice versa. Fakie applies to this trick.

Flat Spin-Jump up into the air and begin doing a 360° and drop your back and shoulders so that you are parallel to the ground.  By this point you have completed half a rotation.  Twist your hips and bring your head up to bring your feet down for the landing. If you started facing forward you will land facing forward.  If you start facing back, you will land facing back. Fakie applies to this trick.

Flat Spin 540°- Same as above except hold the spin a little bit longer and add a half a twist to land backwards.  Fakie applies to this trick however is very difficult. ( I can't do it) 


GRABS- Generally they are easy.  Some may require bigger jumps.  This is a very simple way to add a lot of style to your riding.  I recommend mastering one before learning another, but that's just me. The following tricks are supposed to be done in the air.  All grabs can be done during a spin.   My favorite is a Fakie-540-Fish Brain.

Mute- Once you are in the air, bend both knees and lift them towards your chest. With right hand grab the middle outside edge of the left skiboard and pull both skiboards to the right side. Can be done opposite hand opposite side.

Method- Once in the air, tuck legs in.  Grab the top of the left ski boot with right hand.  For extra style points stick out left arm into the air. Can be done opposite hand opposite side.

Mute Cross- Once you are in the air, bend both knees and lift them towards your chest. With right hand grab the middle outside edge of the left skiboard and pull both skiboards to the right side.  Cross skiboards while in the air. Can be done opposite hand opposite side.

Safety- This is the easiest and most common grab.  Bend both knees and lift them up towards chest.  With your right hand grab the right edge of the right skiboard.  You can also grab the left edge with the left hand or both edges with both hands.  If you do this grab during a spin it's called Bio-180, Bio-360...

Stiffy- Once in the air, extend both legs forward, and lock your knees.  With right hand grab the outside of right skiboard. Can be done opposite hand opposite side.

Cross Stiffy- Once in the air, extend both legs forward, and lock your knees.  With right hand grab the outside of left skiboard. Can be done opposite hand opposite side.

Cross Rocket- Once in the air, extend both legs forward, and lock your knees. With the right hand, grab the tip of the left skiboard. Can be done opposite hand opposite side.

Flying Fish- Once you are in the air, bring both knees toward chest.  Extend your right leg and lock it.  With right hand grab the right edge of the right skiboard. Can be done opposite hand opposite side.

Cross Flying Fish- Once you are in the air, bring both knees toward chest.  Extend your left leg and lock it.  With right hand grab the right or left edge in front of binding of the left skiboard. Can be done opposite hand opposite side.

Fishbrain- Once you are in the air, extend the right leg strait in front, locking the knee.  Bend your left leg, twist it so its parallel to the ground, so that the left skiboard is parallel with the right leg.  With left hand grab the inside of the right skiboard, looks better at the tip.  With right hand grab the bottom of left skiboard at binding, under your butt 

Stale- Once you are in the air, extend the right leg strait in front, locking the knee. Tuck the left leg under your butt.  With right hand grab the middle of the left skiboard.  For extra style points, raise your left hand up. Can be done opposite hand opposite side.

Japan- Once you are in the air, Extend the right leg to the right side.  Tuck in the left leg, below the right knee.  With right hand, reach around right leg and grab the bottom of the left skiboard. Can be done opposite hand opposite side.

Parallel- This requires some good abs.  Once in the air, bend both knees towards chest.  With right hand, reach over left thigh and grab the outside edge of the left skiboard.

Tail Grab- Bend both knees keeping skiboards parallel to the ground and grab the back tip of the right skiboard with right hand. Can be done opposite hand opposite side.

Lean- Half pie or quarter pipe trick. Once in the air, arch your back to the right side. With right hand grab the outside edge of the right skiboard. Can be done opposite hand opposite side.

Tail Grab- Once you are in the air, bend both knees and grab the back tip or the right skiboard with the right hand.  Can be done opposite hand opposite side.


GRINDS- These are really fun to do but are not very good on the skiboards.  You can completely ruin your bases.  Grinds can be done on rails, tree branches or even flat surfaces like picnic tables. Most grinds come strait from rollerblading, if I am missing a few, let me know.

Frontside- Jump onto the rail and slide facing in the direction you are sliding.

Backside-Jump onto the rail and slide with your back turned in the direction you are sliding.

Farside- Jump onto the rail and land on the "far side" of it and then start grinding.  So you were in the air over a part of the rail before you land on it.

H-Grind- Slide on a rail sideways where only the inside edges of the skiboards are touching the rail.  The right skiboard is leading and the left skiboard is dragging.

Makio- Slide on right foot, and grab the left foot with your left hand. Best grab is the safety, however a method will add style points.

Fishbrain-Slide on right foot.  Stick out your left leg parallel to the ground and grab it with the left hand. Can be done opposite hand opposite side.

Acid Soul- Slide on right foot.  Where the skiboard is parallel to the rail, and the front tip and the back tip are both on the rail.  This does a lot of damage to the skiboards since the whole bottom surface is in contact with the rail.

Miszou- Slide on the rail on your right foot so it is pointed forward.  Place the left skiboard on the rail, in front of the right skiboard, so it is perpendicular to the rail.

Natural- Performing grinds on the side you do it most often.  Your natural side.

Unity- If anyone can do it I would like to see a picture.  Slide on the rail so that the skiboards are perpendicular to the rail but are pointed in different directions.  The right foot is pointed to the right and the left foot is pointed to the left.

Lowrider- A simple grind where you crouch down bending your knees, so that your butt almost touches the boots.  Its more difficult to do it on one foot, with the other sticking strait out.

Christ- Slide on right skiboard.  Where the skiboard is parallel to the rail, and the front tip and the back tip are both on the rail. Place the left skiboard on top of the right skiboard, so its perpendicular to it, making an X. 

Cowboy (Cab Driver)- Best done on something relatively wide.  Grind with your boots on the either side of the log so that only the insides of the boots are touching the log.

Mistrial- Slide on the rail on your right foot so it is pointed forward.  Place the left skiboard on the rail, behind the right skiboard, so it is perpendicular to the rail.

Royale- Slide on a rail sideways where the right skiboard inside edge is touching the rail.  And the left skiboard outside edge is touching the rail.  Bend knees slightly and lean back to enjoy the ride. Can be done opposite hand opposite side.


TRICKS- If its not a spin, a grab or a grind, or a combination of the two or three then it belongs in its own category, right here.  Flips are in here.  Some tricks are extremely hard and even dangerous, so go ahead and try them at your own risk, but don't blame me if you land in the hospital instead of snow.  I hope this is obvious, but the tricks are supposed to be done in the air unless otherwise noted.

Liu-Kang- Keep the right leg fully extended strait down.  Tuck your left leg in and grab it with the left arm. Can be done opposite hand opposite side.  This trick can also be done on the ground while spinning, it wouldn't be called Lui-Kang but same idea.

Sollas Drop your right shoulder in front of you, and begin a 540° rotation.  As you rotate on the horizontal axis and moving in the forward direction, gravity comes in and straitens you out for a landing on your feet.   While rotating  extend your left leg and grab it with your right hand.  Tuck your right leg and grab it with your left hand.

Rob Roy- Extend your right leg horizontally in front of you.  Tuck your left leg under your but and grab it with your right hand.  Stick out your left hand for extra style points.

Disaster- Doing any trick in the air and landing on the rail.  It should make sense.

Yoda- Going to a cross-legged position in the air.  Add a couple of grabs for the best crowd pleasers. 

Yoda 360°- Going to a cross-legged position in the air while doing a 360° rotation.

Back Flip- Tuck your legs in and lean back.  Arch your back, spot the landing and keep your eyes on it until the skiboards touch the snow.  This trick is harder on the shorter or narrower skiboards.  

Front Flip- Pump your arms up and forward in a semicircular motion and quickly tuck in your legs, to increase the spin rotational speed.  The landing is blind.  This trick is harder on the shorter or narrower skiboards.

Corkscrew- Drop your right shoulder forward in front of you and begin doing a front flip on a tilted axis with a 180° rotation in the end to land backwards.

Late 360°- Doing a trick in the second half of the jump, most likely on the way down.  In this case its a 360°.  You can do another trick before you do the late trick.

Misty Flip- Drop your right shoulder in front of you, and begin a 540° rotation.  As you rotate on the horizontal axis and moving in the forward direction, gravity comes in and straitens you out for a landing on your feet. It feels like you are always spinning, but from a side looks like you are tumbling out of control.

Mr. T- Go for a really big jump. In the air right off the jump vertically stretch out, but keep your hands to the sides.  This may not sound like a trick but trying to stay strait in the air is hard.

Nutcracker- Stick your right foot out horizontally tin front of you.  Bend your left leg back behind your back, so it looks like you are doing a split in the air.  Grab one skiboard with one hand and the other with the other hand.  I like to grab the right skiboard with the left hand and the left skiboard with the right hand because I can get to the skiboard in the back quicker with my right hand.

McUgly- This can only be done in the half-pipe or quarter-pipe.  Approach the wall backwards.  Kick you legs up and do a 360° spin upside-down. Put your right hand on the edge of the half-pipe, push of and do a 180° twist to straiten your body out for the landing.

Rim-Flip- Take off the jump backwards and do a quick 180° so you are facing forward.  You should be slightly tilted back, drop your right shoulder forward and do a 720°.  When you finally turn upside down (during the second twist) spot the landing, your body will be in front of the landing and then rotate so your feet come down.  I strongly recommend not trying this unless you are in waist deep powder, because you need a lot of speed or to do this successfully.

Rodeo (Bio Flip)- Right off the jump do a quick 90-180° rotation to the right.  Drop your right shoulder back to begin doing a back flip.  Twist your body to the right to get out of the Rodeo and land on your feet.

Superman- The best place to do this trick is in the half pipe, but it can also be done off jumps.  Half-Pipe: Get some speed and go up the wall so your skiboards are very close to parallel to the top of the half-pipe before you pop out.  Once you pop out, quickly tuck your legs and arms in and as hard as you can pump your legs back and lock them, and stretch your arms out forward, then finally look down.  To get out, quickly tuck your arms and legs in and put the skiboards on the wall of the half-pipe.  The momentum will take you out.  Jump: Jump up and stretch your body out so it is parallel to the ground.  Right when you start coming down for a landing, tuck your legs and arms in, touch your chin to your chest and go a front front flip.  

Switchback- Do in to a jump backwards.  Once in the air, do a back flip.  The landing is easy to spot if you arch your back and keep your eyes on it once you spot it.

Airwalk- Walk in the air.  Continuously move your right and leg back and forth, so that when one is in front the other is behind.  Do a couple of steps, 2-3 with each leg.  

Kickout- Tuck your legs in and grab the right skiboard with the right hand.  Then before landing do two pumps to the right side with both legs.  Can be done opposite hand opposite side.

Fakie Zero Spin Rocket- Go into a jump backwards.  Extend both legs out in front of you, so you are looking up the slope.  Right before landing backwards look over your shoulder to spot the landing.

Gumby Air- Take both legs as far back as they will go.  Grab the right skiboard with the right hand and grab the left skiboard with the left hand.  keep both skiboards together.  With your hands, pull the skiboards back and up.

Sock-Eyed Salmon- With your hands grab the front tips of the skiboards and do a twist.  Your body would be pointing to the left and the skiboard would be pointing a little bit to the right of strait forward.

Carter Flip- Its basically a mix between a 360 misty flip and a cartwheel.  All you do is go up to the jump with speed and throw your right shoulder down like you're doing a cartwheel.  Then continue doing the cartwheel.  The thing you have to do though is turn your head and shoulders a little bit to the left.  This will start you rotating and you'll land forward.  I suggest, unlike other jumps, to do a mute grab or a safety grab the first time you do this so you get speed in the x, y, and z directions easier.  This trick is a lot easier to do tucked.  If you mess this up the first time, you won't the second time because you'll learn what you did wrong the first time. (Submitted by unknown visitor)